Sand Fallboard for Final Coats.
Sand Lid for Final Coats.
Piano Technician Services
Replace leather buttons on lid
Replace leather buttons on lid
Replace leather buttons on lid
Remove Action for safe keeping
Remove old finish from lid
Tape off and protect plate and keybed with multiple layers of paper and cardboard.
The inside is carefully stripped before moving to the outside of the piano case.
Solvent wash to remove all of the old finish and remover residue.
Remove old damaged veneer
Burnish form center outward
Apply multiple coats of lacquer.
Thoroughly sand with 320 and cork block for absolutely dead flat surface before spraying final coats.
Final coats applied to lid.
Final coats applied to case.
Piano technician Jim Briley and myself clean the plate and board in preparation for repinning and restringing.
Jim Briley installing new pins.
Begin with 500 grit sanding